+ Version 4.4 adds a new Projects page to the home website.

The new Projects page shows some software projects that I've worked on in the past, including my Master's Project for which I've interviewed musicians and wrote an app that allows you to change equalizer levels via Microsoft Kinect.

Three (3) incremental builds were deployed since version 4.3, and the following list summarizes those features/fixes:

// all sites
- [4.3.1] added Instagram into Ambilight feature

// Murphee K
- [4.3.2] added db columns, indexes, and updated the Ambilight feature to incorporate values taken from Instagram API calls as well as populated title and text columns from both Flickr and Instagram photos

// MPK Adventures
- [4.3.1] removed Project Wonderful ads due to its shutdown on August 2018

// Home
- [4.4.0] added new Projects page for showing software projects

-George Ryan
